HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! We'll be closed Mon Dec 25th, Fri Dec 29th & Mon Jan 1st

Love Peace & Happiness Toy Drive (2017)

Everyone loves to see a child on Christmas morning, the pure innocence on their faces as they rip open the wrapping paper, smiling ear to ear in pure bliss. Sadly, we live in a time where some children do not experience that euphoria.

That’s exactly where Deborah Davis and the Love Peace & Happiness Fellowship Church in Los Angeles come in. Love Peace and Happiness (LPH) decided that they needed to make a difference and started donating toys back in 2011 to 75 children in need and have since expanded to providing to 400 children annually.

This year, Deborah reached out to us at Via Trading and we had the pleasure in assisting LPH by donating pallets of Assorted Toys to give out at their Annual Toy Giveaway. It’s people like Deborah David and the entire LPH fellowship that put smiles back on the faces that need it the most and we couldn’t be happier to have played a part in that.

If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact Deborah Davis at 323-868-1864 or visit www.lphfamily.org

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