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Government Resources


The following sections highlight government and third party websites and companies who provide services and resources for small businesses and startup companies. You will find advice on legal issues, financing, setting up your business and more in the following sections. Please note: Via Trading believes this information to be useful and helpful in many cases, but we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by these external websites. Thank you for your understanding!

Starting a Business

Starting a business involves planning, making financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. The following 10 easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your new business. Read all of these steps and more on the Small Business Association website!

  • Write a business plan. Map out who you will start and run your business successfully.
  • Get business assistance and training. Take advantage of available tools and free training to help you prepare and plan.
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Small Biz Certification

While you do not need a certification to legally operate your business in California, Small Business Certification does offer advantageous business opportunities like government contracts.

Federal, state and governments offer business opportunities to sell billions of dollars worth of products and services. Certifying your business can help you successfully compete for government contracts that would represent a significant source of revenue for your business.

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Financing A Business

A huge part of starting your own business involves figuring out the financial aspect. the Small Business Association website contains information about a number of financial programs for small businesses, outlined below. The Small Business Association can facilitate loans for you with a third party lender or help you find financing options for your business.

When you apply for an SBA-backed loan at your local bank or credit union, you are asking SBA to provide a guarantee that you will repay your loan as promised. To this end, the SBA provides a Guaranteed Loan Program, a Bonding Program and a Venture Capital Program. Read more about these financing programs and what they can do for you.

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Starting A Business in California

The Governor’s Office of Economic Development offers many resources for those looking to start a business in California. The website includes basic checklists of steps to start your own business, and various sections on how and why to relocate an established business to California.

The GoED website also offers one-on-one assistance with experts ready to assist you in becoming a successful business owner. Visit their website at business.ca.gov. Check out the GoED’s Guide to Starting a Business, featuring information and resources.

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CA Small Business Association

Starting a business involves planning, making financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. The following 10 easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your new business. Read all of these steps and more on the Small Business Association website!

  • Write a business plan. Map out who you will start and run your business successfully.
  • Get business assistance and training. Take advantage of available tools and free training to help you prepare and plan.
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CA Resellers Permit Info

You do not need any kind of permit to purchase merchandise from Via Trading. We sell to individuals and business alike– the only restriction is that you must purchase wholesale (minimum order 1 case, pallet, load or truckload). However, in order to resell merchandise legally in the state of California, you must have a resellers permit.

A resellers permit also allows you to purchase merchandise tax free (at the time of purchase) within California. Residents of California who do not have a resellers permit are subject to 9.75% Sales Tax at the time of purchase.

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Development Centers

Starting a business can be a challenge but Small Business Development Centers (SBDC’s) are partnerships between the government and colleges/universities administered by the Small Business Administration, that aim to give educational services to small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

All services are free and confidential and additional low training cost options are available. Assistance is available to anyone interested in beginning a small business for the first time or expanding a small business. Small Business Development Centers are located in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the US Territories.

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Small Business Loans

All businesses need capital to launch or to expand. This capital may come from personal savings, friends or family or business loans. The state of California offers the Small Business Loans Guarantee Program (SBLGP), administered by the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

The program works to help businesses create and retain jobs while encouraging investment into low-to-moderate income communities. The program helps small business get loans they may otherwise not have been able to obtain and to establish a credit history with a lender.

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