HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! We'll be closed Mon Dec 25th, Fri Dec 29th & Mon Jan 1st

Top 20 Most Asked Questions From TikTok

Tiktok, Tiktok, Tiktok? I feel like no matter who I'm speaking with, young or old? sorry, seasoned :) they're on TikTok. We've had an account ourselves for about a year but never really took it seriously, until we randomly went viral.

We posted our own reaction video and in about 48 hours hit 3 million views. 3 million! No intention behind it. It was actually a "filler video" because we had nothing else ready to post. What came with that was an abundance of followers and, you guessed it, comment after comment in forms of questions.

Who are you? What do you do? How can I buy? Where are you located? Do you ship etc? etc? In this article, we're going to share our answers to the first 5 questions and share the rest of the questions. For the answers to those though, you'll need to watch our vlog.

1. Are you open on weekends?

The answer is? Nope! We're only open Monday-Friday from 8:00am-6:00pm. We don't recommend you arrive later than 5, stretching it to 5:30 though as it'll take you some time to check out the merch, check out and get loaded.

2. How much is shipping?

What are we shipping? A case pack, pallet, 5 pallets, a truckload, 10 truckloads? where are we shipping too? Shipping cost will vary greatly depending on many factors starting with, what, where and how. On top of that, you have merchandise dimensions, weights and much more. Make sure to contact your Account Manager or get a quote online by adding product to your shopping cart.

3. How much is a pallet?

What pallet? All our inventory is priced differently. We have pallets starting in the low $100's ranging to thousands. Specific answers will require specific questions.

Make sure to check out our inventory list or, and highly recommend, contact your account manager as we have thousands of pallets available that don't even make our website.

4. Do you go through pallets?

No. We've actually recorded plenty of TikTok, instagram and youtube videos on this. The majority of our merchandise is sold as-is, the way we receive it.

We will however breakdown and categorize loads in order to serve and supply resellers with categories you're looking for.

For example, an assorted Amazon truckload with clothing, shoes, cosmetics, housewares, toys, bedding etc? may be broken down to be sold by the pallet. As all pallets come assorted, we will ?process? the load and separate the items into pallets by category building pallets of clothing only, shoes only, toys only etc? catering to pallet or case pack buyers looking for specific categories.

We don't process, touch, breakdown, sort, cherry pick or whatever other term you want to use for our benefit. We are true wholesale liquidators and don't sell merchandise by the piece anywhere. No online store, flea market, retail store etc? so there's no need for us to go through pallets.

5. Do you sell truckloads?

Yes! We sell merchandise by the case, pallet, multi pallet lot and truckload. The luxury of truckloads is that you're getting a better deal as you're buying larger quantities and, you have the option to ship the merchandise directly from distribution centers which often is closer to you and more cost effective as we don't need to ship the truck to our warehouse first.

That's the first 5 questions for. Pretty standard and straight forward. Make sure to watch our vlog for in depth replies and 15 additional questions as seen below.

  • 6. Do you have a mentorship program?
  • 7. How do I get these pallets?
  • 8. Do you have a return policy?
  • 9. What are case packs?
  • 10. How do I start?
  • 11. Is this considered salvage?
  • 12. How Much?
  • 13. Where are you located?
  • 14. Do you ship overseas?
  • 15. Do I need to have a business to purchase?
  • 16. Can I pick up my own pallet?
  • 17. Do you have a website?
  • 18. Do you have PS5's?
  • 19. Do you have a beach elsewhere?
  • 20. Can I buy 1 item?

Interested in the answers to these questions, check out our vlog. Make sure to check out our previous blogs as well on "How to Make Money While You're Asleep" & "Takes from an Online Reselling Legend" both can support you on your journey.

If you're already in business and are looking for products, click here. If you don't have a business yet and you're thinking about starting one, click here to see the opportunities available to you.

Via Trading Chat