HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! We'll be closed Mon Dec 25th, Fri Dec 29th & Mon Jan 1st

Freedom Entrepreneurial Camp

For many years, YOU have been told: get a proper education, good grades and, finally, a well-paying corporate gig and it would result in job security. Millions of young people have learned the hard way that most colleges provide very little to no practical knowledge required in an ever-changing professional world, that there is no such thing as a job security. So-called “lucky ones” who obtained corporate employment quickly learn that it is no more than a modern form of serfdom. They feel alienated, without any skin in the game. Add to that constant implementation of AI in companies which is leading to elimination of hundreds of millions of jobs around the world. Is it a reason to despair? Not at all!

At the same time, millions of new professions are being created by innovations, spearheaded by this wonderful group of people called entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is hard work, but it allows you the right to your own desired life. Entrepreneurs don’t wait for permission to live their dream — they do it! Long workdays and weekends are essential part of being an entrepreneur, but with it come the liberty to arrange your day the way you like and to do the work you choose to perform. Being entrepreneur has the most important perk, an ability to select people you choose to work with. Ultimately, entrepreneurship is a path to pursuit of purpose in life.

Enduring life, going with motions, 9-5 days, Monday thru Friday, vs enjoying life, pursuing clear purpose. Take a moment, forecast your life’s trajectory, and ask yourself this question: “What is my purpose in life?” The choice is yours to make.

At the camp, we will be conducting open discussions about most important challenges in the constantly changing world, so YOU can ask difficult questions and get specific advice and perspective from proven entrepreneurs. This event’s sole intention is to provide an opportunity for YOU to learn about fundamentals of scaling the business from a startup to a very successful company, exchange experiences, get to know each other, and spearhead an informal community of like-minded people around the world.

Via Trading Chat