HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! We'll be closed Mon Dec 25th, Fri Dec 29th & Mon Jan 1st

Flea Markets

South dakota Flea Markets

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Name / Address Open Hours Details Contact

Benson's Flea Market

Expo Building, W.H. Lyons Fairground, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, SD
Market is held the first full weekend of every month from September through May. If there is a holiday on the first weekend, then the market is held on the 2nd weekend. Weekend hours are Sat. 9am-5pm and Sun. 11am-4pm. Black Events and Advertising, Inc. 605-332-6000

Davis Second Saturday Flea Market

106 West Hwy 18, Davis, South Dakota, 57021
Cinda Wilson 605-940-0069

Four Seasons Flea Market

223 N Egan Avenue, Madison, South Dakota, 57042
605-256-6696 conniesmook42@hotmail.com

What-Not Flea Market & Swap

601 5th St SE, Watertown, South Dakota, 57201
Carissa Skogstad 605-753-0322
Via Trading Chat