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Flea Markets

Connecticut Flea Markets

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Name / Address Open Hours Details Contact

Bethlehem Indoor Flea Market

37 Thompson Road, Bethlehem, Connecticut, 6751
Busy Indoor market, multiple buildings and great foot traffic. Open every Friday, 12 noon – 5pm, Sat & Sun, 9am – 5pm, rain or shine. Visit us online for more info Charlie Boucher

Cobalt Flea Market

369 West High Street, Cobalt, Connecticut, 6414
Pat Knislis 860-267-2481

College Mart Flea Market

College Mart Flea Market, 2 Wedgewood Drive, Connecticut,
Robert & 860-376-3935

East Side Neighborhood Summer Flea Market

160 Spruce Street, Manchester, Connecticut, 6040
Vendors wanted! Crafters, artisans, farmers & hobbyists. Reserve your space today! Market will run in June, July and August. Please call Rosalene for dates and registration info. Melissa Stewart

Elephant's Trunk Country Flea Market

New Milford, CT 06776, Market Manager, Connecticut,
Sun. 7am-2pm, April through November, weather permitting. Located Exit 7, I-84; 7 miles north of Danbury, CT. Market Manager

Granby Street Flea Market

96 Granby Street, Bloomfield, Connecticut, 6002
Eclectic mix of new items, tag sale and wholesale items. We accept all major credit cards and PayPal for booth fees. Indoor/outdoor market open year round, Saturdays and Sunday, 7am-4pm. We also buy precious metals! Nicholas & 860-219-06410

Hodge Podge Open Market

Hodge Podge Open Market, 57 Pratt St, Connecticut,
Good eats and fresh beats, the Hodge Podge Open Market is open every Sunday in October and November, til November 18, 2012. Visit our website for more information. Stephanie Lynn 860-249-1757 steph@civicmindstudios.com

Mansfield Marketplace

Mansfield Center, CT 06250, 860-456-2578, Connecticut,
Seasonal indoor & outdoor market open every Sun. 8am-3pm. Season starts in March. Please call to confirm opening and closing dates. 860-456-2578

Maplewood Indoor Flea Market

Building D, New Milford, Connecticut, 6776
The largest indoor flea market in Connecticut. I-84 exit 7, 2 miles North on the left. 9am to 4pm every Sat. and Sun., year round. New and used merchandise, antiques and collectibles. Sandra Modz 860-350-0454

Redwood Country Flea Market

170 South Turnpike Road, Wallingford, Connecticut, 6492
Antiques, collectibles, new and used household items, new & used tools, fresh baked goods, jewelry, coins, DVD’s, music, clothing, grocery items, flowers and crafts. Open year round Fri., Sat. and Sun. 6am to 3pm. Also open Good Friday, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. Left off I-91 Exit 13, 1st right, next right and left off Route 15 Exit 64. Great crowds. 43rd year! Restaurant & Free Parking and Admission. No pets. Kenneth Dubar 203-269-3500

Risom Mill Flea Market

43 Connecticut Mills Ave, Danielson, Connecticut, 6239

Terryville Indoor Flea Market

211 Main Street, Terryville, Connecticut, 6786
Paul Murdock & 860-919-4356

The New Woodbury Flea Market

44 Sherman Hill Road, Woodbury, Connecticut, 6798
Gus Kaloidis 203-263-6217

Velvet Mill Winter Market

22 Bayview Ave, Stonington CT 06378, Connecticut,
Alan Golia,, Owner Eric Pivco
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