Lotes no Manifestados. Vendidos a un Precio Fijo por Paleta.Normamente, 24 Paletas por Carga. Punto de Origen: Phoenix, AZ
FOB: Phoenix, AZ
Items typically found may include but are not limited to: Lawn Mowers, Tillers, Pressure Washers, Generators, Table Saws, Weed Whackers, Trimmers, Chain Saws, Welders, Nailers, Compressors and more…
Featured brands typically include: Ryobi, Honda, Briggs & Stratton, DeWalt, Cub Cadet, Rudgid, Echo, longevity, Paslode, Toro, Troy Bilt, Powermate, Makita and more…
Please review sample images and videos to get a better understanding of what to expect.
Items which have gone through a testing process, visually defective items, incomplete sets, items good for spare parts only or out of date items.
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La Satisfacción del Cliente y su Éxito son nuestro Objetivo. Nos comprometemos a dar las expectativas más ajustadas a la realidad que podemos y a resolver cualquier incidente de una manera rápida y justa.